Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Don't Burst Be Happy"

Hey there, I’m Lumy. My mom says when I was born I was the brightest and shiniest bubble she had ever seen that’s why she named me Luminous.  Floating around inside this jar is great and the outside looks so curious.  All the other bubbles talk about how they know some bubble who knows some bubble that bursts on the outside.  Burst from what?  When we look up at the sky and see the big Bright Bubble in the morning and the big Blue Bubble in the evening there is no way a bubble could burst, especially my best friend Magellan Estefan and I, M.E. for short; we have lots of fun together.     

Watching people on the outside seem so happy we want to know what the world is all about. You know like that song….”Don’t Burst Be Happy” or is it Don’t Worry Be Happy? Uh, I don’t know…but we learn about different people and places in the SUDS ACADEMY, we always say we are going to explore the world and that’s what we are going to do! 

We have a list and everything, M.E. is way excited about exploring.   M.E. talks about being an explorer all the time.  He does listen mostly but sometimes interrupts me and finds a way back to talking about exploring and set on meeting Bright Bubble and Blue Bubble.  It’s ok because I love exploring too!  We have a plan, but I also want to know why those petals on the trees outside are always laughing and I want to feel the wind on my bubble….I think that would be way cool! Oh, M.E. and I are not going to burst we have way too much exploring to do!  I’m whistling now…”Don’t Burst Be Happy”…good song.

Luminous "Lumy" Bubble

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